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Rope slider Pulling cables

BildTitelInfoMarke €*
ArtikelbildRope sliderfor 7 + 8 mm chains, for Seile up to 16 mm Ø, authorised tensile force 40 kNGRANIT25.78
ArtikelbildRope sliderfor 7 + 8 mm chains, for up to 16mm perm. tensile force 40 kNGRANIT39.53
ArtikelbildSliding shoe reversiblefor 7 + 8 mm chains for ropes perm to 20 mm dia. tension 60 kNGRANIT45.33
ArtikelbildRope sliderfor 7 + 8 mm chains, authorised tensile force 60 kNGRANIT57.78
* For EU all prices including VAT, plus shipping.
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